Thursday, July 3, 2014


Why does it seem as if every one has to be with someone every second of their life? Me, I like to be alone because I don't have to worry about getting hurt. Love is a very strong thing that exists, but sometimes people will do anything for it. I don't understand that, you can become anything you could possibly want, but people give their dreams up for something that could at any time. i guess some people think that "All You Need is Love", but I personally think that love just gets in the way, and causes great suffering and heartbreak.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but sometimes what doesn't kill you, makes you feel vulnerable and weak. A simple accident can flip your world upside down causing you to loose all confidence. For me it depends on what's going on, and how I should handle. I admit some days I feel like I could be the queen of the world and tell every bully to shove it. Other days I feel like I should just be shoved into a locker and left to rot. Which leads me to another topic. Middle school students and high school students seem to try there best to fit in and do there best to not stand out. Me, I like to be that one person who makes a difference, who helps students who feel worthless and are always self-loathing. People need to stand-up for one another and prove that those bullies are just as weak as the people they are harassing. I personally have been bullied all throughout my life so far, but I don't feel as if it should affect me. One day, when I'm the CEO of a company, all those bullies will be working their lousy jobs and looking up and seeing my billboards. People need to understand that bullying can really affect a persons life. Everyday, as I walk threw the hallways, I see kids ganging up on one innocent student. There are always standbys and people laughing and joking, trying to make bullying a joke. So please, if you ever see something like that happening throughout your school, tell them to stop and stand up for that person being bullied, because maybe they are to worried to stand up for their them self.